
Friday, July 26, 2013

Mixed feelings

The last weekday before school starts....sigh

I always feel torn between being super ready to start back and never ready.  I've kinda felt like a bum this summer.  I've done some writing, some reading, some gardening and some planning.  Mostly, I've just kinda chilled out.  I needed it. I needed some unstructured time to gear up for this upcoming school year.  My kids did, too.  They had no schedule this summer (except for daily assignments and chores).  They enjoyed it--no deadlines, projects or big to-do lists.  Alas, there is a season for everything and we are all ready for school to begin.  Summer's been fun and relaxed, but our minds are ready to get to work.  

I have no last big adventure of the summer planned this weekend.  That kinda sums up our summer-nothing big, just pure, simple enjoyments.  

One thing I'm not ready for is a change in schedule.  I've been staying up way too late this summer and sleeping in until 7:30 or 8 AM  (gasp...that's so late, I know).  For my morning-people children, I have to start my day quite a bit earlier during the school year.  So, I'll be going cold turkey come Monday morning.  Man, I sure wish I could tolerate caffeine still.  That part is going to be rough!

Even though I have mixed feelings, I'm still ready.  Ready for a new season of learning and the wonderful smell of pencils and new books.  Ready for the juggling, planning and busy-ness that just comes with the territory.  Ready for trying new ideas and approaches.  

It's going to be a great year!