
Monday, July 29, 2013

A good start...

The first day of school is not all work... 

I had to get up at some awful, early, dark hour to be ready for these three.  I'm not a morning person.  So if I just stumble out of bed and these three are up and raring to go--that's not good for me.  I had breakfast made ahead of time.  I exercised, did my devotions, had a shower and got breakfast on the table before the first one came down the stairs.  It really got my day off to a great start, which in turn sets the mood for everyone else.   (I'm about ready to fall asleep right now, but at least I'll be ready for bed earlier tonight.) 

We did play a bit, too!  
We only visit Froyoz about twice a year-the last day of school and the first day of school.  (It's a bit expensive for 5 people, but make sure to get their punch card.  11th one is free.)

Daniel's trying to figure out how to eat this without getting his hands dirty, 
it didn't work!

Michael thinks as long as there is frozen yogurt involved, 
who cares about getting dirty?

It was a good start to what's going to be a great year!