
Friday, March 1, 2013

Makin' progress

Here are a few points I've been getting from my devotions and living life:

  • Don't compare yourself to others--it breeds pride or inferiority.
  • Jesus is there in the murkiness of our lives.
  • Be who God created you to be and let others be the same.
  • God's will for your life (home school)  is unique and just because He has different plans for other people...that doesn't make them wrong/right and you right/wrong.  
  • Change doesn't happen took lots of little choices to get to where you are and it will take a lot of little choices to get to where you want to be.  
  • Perseverance and diligence are hard to live out day by day.
  • Quit worrying about today!


  • I've been drinking between 80-96 oz. of water a day
  • Stuck with my card for 4 days now...with the card regulating my food intake, I haven't worried too much about eating in front of a screen (after my kids go to bed)
  • Getting my 12,000 steps in (earlier in the day, too) and adding in some extra exercise moments (crunches, some Tae Bo kicks, etc.)
  • Still working on getting to bed on time.   I have been in bed earlier than usual.

Every change you want to make in your life/schedule/home school starts with little daily changes.  

I want to have a family worship time, so I don't make a big deal about it at first.  We read our Bible reading as usual and then sing a couple of songs.  That's it!  Then, we try to be consistent with that little bit and go from there.  I'm so tired of letting my perfectionism defeat my efforts.  (That's all?...that's not enough...if you can't do it "right", don't do it at all...)

I read devotion books sometimes and they can put out this lofty ideal that just feels unattainable.  I can get so defeated feeling my little efforts are just not enough.  We need to stop judging ourselves by the "results" of what we do and in faith keep doing what we know to do.  We discipline our children because we know in the end it's for their good.  We don't give up just because we don't see the "results" right away.   

So, I'm just doing what I know to do and makin' progress!

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14