
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Places

After our crazy week, we decided to go to our "happy place".  We never had explored this part of Fort Loudoun before, so we stopped here on our way in.  We picnicked, explored, shared treasures (snail shells, rocks, etc.), talked, ran, jumped, climbed, and enjoyed God's beautiful creation and sunshine.  There was no one else there (except in passing on our way in and out).  It was totally quiet...well, as quiet as a family with three kids can be.  It was so refreshing.  

When we needed to go to the bathroom, we headed over to the visitor's center at the fort.  (There are no facilities at the blockhouse).  We skipped rocks at the river's edge (Michael calls it the sea) and went for a short uphill hike in the woods.
The butt tree as my husband has named it!

You can't beat these views!

We stopped for ice cream cones on the way really was a perfect day in one of my happy places!

We got to go back out to a different park today for was cut short by a little boy needing to go to the bathroom and all the facilities were padlocked.  Oh well, it was nice for the time we were there.  

“You are worthy, our Lord and God,
    to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
    and by your will they were created
    and have their being.”

Revelation 4:11