
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gripes and Praise

I have separated two of my children this afternoon.  One upstairs and one on the couch, resting. 

They are on the mend from a very bad cold (at least that's what I'm guessing it high fevers).  One is cranky and the other one is still not better enough to just ignore it.  That's a bad combination.  I have threatened the "This is our get along shirt"!

The rest timer went off before the kid fell asleep.  Note to self:  Set a longer time next time. 

This is the second day this week, JP has had to be at work early...

I only got to see my husband about an hour today...

The dog won't stop ringing the bell to go outside...even he's got cabin fever.

My face is breaking out.  

We managed to make it out for a short library trip and a few groceries this morning, but that (less than 2 hour) outing left Michael a crying mess.  

It's really cold...

I got in bed earlier last night...I can't imagine facing this day without adequate sleep.

It's sunny!

It's actually quiet in my house right now...

Tera's helping make dinner tonight.

My cabbage au gratin recipe was really good!

It's sunny!

I can sing....

I read a blog post about "dressing frumpy", so I decided to ask my husband if he thought I dressed frumpy or was there anything I wear that he just doesn't like.  He said..."I think you dress nice, even when you are just hanging around the house!"   Nice compliment!   He did mention there is one outfit he doesn't like, but he's already mentioned it I don't wear that anymore. (It was definitely in the frumpy category.)

JP and I didn't get sick with this latest illness.

We were well all winter!

Easter Sunday is coming!

 Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18