
Friday, February 1, 2013


"O" stuff....

 Michael decided he wanted to write "letters" one morning this week without prompting.  He wrote his name and included a picture of a dog, a soldier and an alien.  (I traced his pencil markings so that the recipients could actually see his writing. 

For the second week in a row, we've gone to the library so that Daniel can take part in the chess club that meets there.  Tera decided to watch them this week and got roped into playing/learning.  It's a good skill for anyone to learn, so I don't think she'll suffer too much.  I need to be more prepared when it comes to Michael...he usually needs something to drink or to eat, etc., etc.

This week playing with the rolling ottoman and a Rice Krispy Treat kept this tired and hungry little boy content for a while.  

Look closely at the last picture and you'll see the official posture of chess players...regardless of age or gender.  (I didn't notice this, until I had loaded it up on my computer) 

This is the stromboli Tera made this week.  Her kitchen skills have improved so much and it all started with  making one meal for the family once a month. 

I thought for sure today was Saturday when I got feels like it should be Saturday.  We get to celebrate my husband's birthday this weekend, so we've got some fun on the way.  It's been a great week!!!