
Friday, February 22, 2013

Mosaics Review: Infarrantly Creative Blog Calendar

I like to be organized...I need to be organized...I'm just not great at finding products that help me accomplish those goals.  I usually take a random piece of scrap paper, jot something down and wonder where I put it later!  When it comes to my blog, I never even thought of using a planner to help me plan, gather my thoughts, keep track of stats, etc....well, DUH!! 

I've always been a random blogger. I blog what's going on orwhatever strikes me at the moment.  I wasn't really sure how I would like being more intentional about my blog posts.  When you've always done something one way, it's hard to change. 

When looking for a blog planner, I knew I wanted something simple to use and something to fit my needs now.  That's when I saw Infarrantly Creative's calendar!  It was perfect for me!  

There are 4 different downloads to print: 

Monthly with a design
Weekly with a design
Monthly without a design
Weekly without a design.

I choose to print the planners with this cute background design:

Infarrantly Creative gives you a great tutorial on how to use your new calendar planner, as well as suggestions on how to bind them into a book.  I actually just printed out a couple of months and the corresponding weeks and used a binder I had on hand.  

Here's what I really liked:

  • Seeing the whole month at a glance--I can plug in special days and other posts I know ahead of timeThen, see holes and plan out those days later.

  • The To Do list was great to help me break down posts and behind the scenes work on my blog.

  • The space to list ideas for post ideas was just what I needed--a place to jot things down that I wouldn't lose.

  • There is space to write extra ideas and even a box to plan encouragement to other bloggers (never thought about being intentional about that,either)

I'm not really big on tracking my stats, but I really appreciated how Infarrantly Creative approaches this topic.  She says, "Each week when I write down my stats it helps me measure myself against myself — which I highly recommend."  I like that!  

So, if you are looking for a simple, yet great blog calendar planner.  Check out this  free printable blog calendar at the Infarrantly Creative blog.   It was totally free to download and you can't beat that price!  

In the near future, be looking for some more really cool product reviews right here!

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For more reviews, check out Mosaic Reviews Blog Planners!