
Friday, November 9, 2012

30 Days of Thanks: Day 18

I truly can't believe I've been doing this for 18 days. I will not sit here and lie and tell you that it's not hard some days to be thankful. I will say that when I want to gripe and complain, my thoughts are redirected (most of the time) to how I can be thankful in this situation.  What can I find to be thankful about today?

Instead of griping, because my son has to wear an eye patch again...I'll be thankful that both times he's had surgery it's been taken care of mostly through insurance.  I'll be thankful that we have to drive only 30 minutes to see the only specialist in this area.  That through this treatment my son will not grow to adulthood with vision loss.  I can be thankful that we don't have to make the hard choices of whether or not we can afford treatment.

Instead of getting upset, because my husband is tired all the time from working 60 hour-6 day weeks...I can be thankful that God gives me the strength to pick up the slack.  I'm thankful that my husband takes his responsibility to his family seriously. I'm thankful that he is a hard worker. 

Instead of focusing on the pretty bad exam I had yesterday, I can be thankful that with new testing options...I won't have it again for 3 years.  Let me tell you, my friend, that is something to be thankful about. 

I read a quote this morning from an Adventure in Odyssey episode:  "The Bible doesn't say all things are good. It says God works all things together for good. And sometimes that process takes a little time."

I do my share of griping and complaining, don't get me wrong.  But I feel a whole lot better about life when I can be thankful in all (well, most)  circumstances.  When I know there is "good",  even if I can't see it. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
 Romans 8:28