
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Reunion--20 years, really?

Last weekend, we made a trip to Alabama for my 20th high school reunion.  20 years sounds like a really long time.  Really?  Has it been that long ago?   We went down a day early and got some time in with family before the day long events on Saturday. 

Daniel practiced his magic tricks on any willing subjects.

We started the morning with a tour of the old high school.  This is one of the last years it will actually be a high school.  Some things had changed but it was so unchanged that lots of memories came back, teacher's names and "Hey, wasn't that the girls' bathroom instead of the boys' bathroom when we went here?"  

The gym looked so much smaller...

The theater teacher interviewed us for a documentary being made on the history of the school.

The family event was at a local state park called Tannehill.  We took countless field trips and had so much fun here growing up.

I was a bit disappointed that only 1 person that I knew relatively well back in the day made it to the reunion.  But I'll tell you...we had a blast together hanging out.  She had two kids that hit it off with our kids. So I have to say, she just made my trip.

After the family event, there was an alumni softball game.  Our team (no, I did not play) played a team my brother got together. 

We shut them out!!!  (or ever how you say that)

This is my name tag...that's me back in the day.  Everyone was saying..."you never changed"...I'm thinking well, I certainly hope I did.  You can't miss those huge glasses covering my entire face.  :)