
Friday, October 19, 2012

Field Trip Friday: Alabama Iron and Steel Museum

While at my 20th high school reunion, there was a woodcarver's show going on at the state park. The craftsmanship was totally mind blowing. Although, we didn't buy anything, the vendors had little souvenir for the kids. A carved wooden coin, a toothpick tree and a carved pencil. It was really neat. 

Then, we headed over to the Alabama Iron and Steel Museum...with our new/old friends.   I remember attending this same museum several times growing up as a kid. 

We were met by the sweetest lady working the front desk.  She gave each of the kids a scavenger hunt of items to find throughout the museum.  When they completed them, they received a small prize (choice of tattoo or bookmark).

The kids weren't that interested in reading everything, but my husband on the other hand, read everything in the museum.

The inside of a fire hydrant

A wooden pipe and a portable steam engine--pretty cool!

An Alabama forge scaled down

We had such a great time...if you're ever in the area, don't miss this hidden gem! 

Check out more field trips at It's a Boy's Life---Field Trip Friday