
Friday, September 21, 2012

"H"-Hobbit Week

It seems like Monday is a faint's been a great, full week! We've been studying South America this week. While JP took Daniel to his first flute lesson, I had a couple of helpers making tortillas to go with our beans and rice.

Daddy helping Daniel with a Pop Bottle Science experiment. If you look close in the second picture, there's a faint smoke ring.

It was "H" week around here!  It's been kinda busy, so a lot of our activities got pushed to Friday.  Michael just hung out in his pajamas all day. 

Some friends came over and Chasady worked her magic on Michael...and Michael worked his magic on his broccoli.  He always makes it disappear!!!

Celebrating Hobbit Day a little early...

Then Second Breakfast....

and the aftermath...