
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The big 1-0...Happy Birthday, Daniel!

The big's unfathomable.  

It seems like just yesterday I brought you home from the hospital.   I can't believe how much you've grown just in this last year!

Grown in stature but also in character as well...

You bring so much joy and laughter to our lives...


We love you, dearest son for all the crazy, 
zany things you've done,
the enthusiasm you have for a new book series or new things to learn, how you love dessert, the way you adapt to your limitations, your desire to be more like God everyday, and how comfortable you are with yourself, even in all your goofiness! 

We pray that you will become a great man of God, above everything else you accomplish in this life.  We love you, but He loves you so much more!

Happy Birthday, Daniel!