Every year, I stress when writing this post about our classroom. We don't have a separate room in the house where we do school. At first, I feel pretty inadequate and think "why should I post?" Our books, supplies, and schooling are spread out throughout the house. I do it, because I know there are other home schoolers out there, just like us and I want them to see there is someone out there, just like them.
Our dining room serves as our main school area. We have two tables for working, our piano, and computer. Our kids move around all over the house but this is the hub. A wicker utensil holder keeps our most used school supplies neatly on the table.
Last year, we added a dry erase board behind the table. I have to admit, everyone uses this on a daily basis. I put up some collage work on the bottom, just in case Michael happens to run a dry erase marker down the wall. I also have a curtain rod with hooks to hang up the most current art work or handwriting samples.
This is our command center...I have a basket on top with all my teacher books together, and reference books (dictionaries, encyclopedia, thesaurus, atlases). Tera and Daniel each have a shelf for their assignment books, textbooks and notebooks. I keep our other school supplies in various cabinets and storage spaces.
Books...books...and more books!
These are not even half of our bookshelves and they are scattered all over the house.
I saw this idea on pinterest and decided to give it a try this year. Each school day, the kids write one fact they learned that day. Tera had asked me to do a "100 Day of School Celebration" this year. I explained that's usually done with younger kids, but told her I'd see what I could come up with for older kids. This is the start and a good way to review concepts we've learned this year!
We all have unique ways of home schooling- in the same way, we all have unique spaces. For more school room pics, check out the Not-So-Back-to-Homeschool Blog Hop here!