
Friday, August 17, 2012

"D" is for Daisy, Dog, Dragon, Duck.....

We had a pretty full week when it came to pre-school.  As you can see, we did a whole lot and my little one wanted MORE!!!  It's great that he's so eager to do "projects", but I've found I need to do some preparation ahead of time.  Cutting things out, putting things in one location, but even then sometimes it's just hectic with a little one.  It's just something we deal with the best we can.  Today, I've been playing catch up with myself all day, slept in too long and didn't get my shower until the kids were eating breakfast.  I constantly feel like I'm running behind, had 5 chips for breakfast and lost my patience a couple of times.  I guess that's all just a part of life.  You do your best and move on! 


Color sorting...



Matching uppercase and lowercase letters


Lots of "D" crafts---most of these I found on pinterest

No Time for Flashcards is a great website for letter of the week ideas. 




Recycled magazine letter collage

Counting with dominoes, flashcards, and putting buttons in labelled yogurt cups (kinda like the egg carton counting idea)
Photobucket Photobucket

I'm using Lesson Pathways as a springboard for our activities this year.