
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Declutter Maniac Style

I've been on a serious de-clutter bug before school starts. Now, I probably wouldn't be classified as a clean freak, but I do like things to stay tidy.  I'll also admit that I come from a long line of hoarders so sometimes getting rid of things is hard.  I'm just keeping my blog real with this post...showing you all my dirty little corners (well, not all of them...I'm still working on the rest). 

 First the hall, which houses most of our school books, supplies, and random junk. 

                                                        Before...                      After....

Totally off-topic...but I made these this week, too!
 Workbook covers to help eliminate tons of copies as well as saving on multiple copies of workbooks. 
Basically, report cover edged in duct tape...dry erase marker and you are all set. 
Photobucket Photobucket
Today's big project...our laundry/mud room!  This room is a catch-all for shoes, crafts, extra school stuff, outside things, you name it.  It's nice to have one of these rooms especially this size, but it can get out of hand fast.  It probably took me at least four hours working in there to get the below results.
                                                      Before.....                              After.....
Photobucket Photobucket


A pile of stuff for JP to deal with...


I did not take a picture of all the trash I still have to take care of and I/we also organized all the insides of the cabinets you see as well.  It's certainly not perfect, but it's tidier and cleaner!  I'm making it a practice of taking pictures every time I do a major really makes you feel good to see the progress. 

Hopefully, by the time school starts in a week and a half, I'll have tackled the biggest blight of all---our office...the room most of my friends have never seen.  Maybe that will change after next week.