
Saturday, June 30, 2012

More Summer Happenings

Another fair project complete


Tera's hair is getting so long

Great library program with our friends from college...Scott Humston.  Daniel got picked to be one of the assistants (nepotism- gotta love it!).  It's always a great show.  Scott's wife came this time and I really enjoyed chatting with her.  We knew each other in college, but didn't really get close because I was boy crazy or something like that.  Now, we both home school and keep in touch on facebook so I think we know each other better now than we did then.  That's pretty awesome!


The dress-up bug has claimed it's next victim.  Daniel was obsessive about costumes when he was younger...he loved capes, especially.  So, every time we went through Daniel's toy, we always kept costumes.  Now, Michael is totally into dressing up.  He started out as Superman, then Spiderman and now he's Larryboy.  (We took Daniel's Bibleman cape and mask and I made him a Larryboy belt out of posterboard, tape and ribbon- He's one happy little dude).

