We love the American Musuem of Science and Energy! Since JP was in Oak Ridge to pick up a guitar he had repaired, we decided to have him drop us off.
The whisper dish is always a favorite. There are tons of brain buster puzzles on the lower level and a write your name in braille machine.
We went out to the model house that were used for housing quarters for workers and their families. (workers on the Manhatten project)
Little kids play area- if you are thinking the subject material may be over the head of your toddler...go anyway. There are so many buttons to push, bright colors, wheels to turn, videos, etc. so that Michael gets tired and hungry before he gets bored.
There is a travelling exhibit on the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis and a new Energy Conservation room from TVA.

This is another favorite room the kids love...maybe because it has tons of mirrors, a black light room and shocking machines.

We didn't have time to walk all around the musuem this time, but you could easily spend several hours there. It's cool temperature wise, which is always a plus in this heat.