This was our last week of school.
(although our summer schedule looks a little like school, but we certainly don't dare call it that)
Tera and Daniel redeemed their last Book It! reading certificate. They amazed me with how many pages they can read in a month...little book worms.
I've been sick with sinus stuff this week, so we hung around home for the first part of the week. As per my children's request, they helped plan this last week of school. There was lots of drawing, painting, working on fair projects, writing and illustrating an Illustory, science, a trip to the library, listening to the entire novel of Peter Pan, some videos, and etc.
Michael enjoyed stringing some beads like the big kids and playing his "new to him" guitar Daddy bought. (He looks pretty serious, because guitar playing is serious business)

Shaving Cream art

Chemical science
Last day of school trip to Froyoz