
Saturday, April 28, 2012


It's been a week since I last posted and boy, has it been a week. 

I spent four whole mornings (8ish- 11:00-11:30ish) at the local elementary school for Tera to take the TCAPs.  Since we register as independent home schoolers, the kids are tested in the 5th and 7th grades.  They go into a regular classroom at a regular elementary school.  We have a fairly small local school with 240-250 students- really small class sizes.  Tera had a good time, met some cool kids and teachers.  No major issues for her or me.   She felt like she did the best on the science and social studies tests (she also took reading and math tests).  We should have the results back in a couple of weeks.  I'm anxious (in a good way) to see how she did.  This was our first experience with standardize testing.  Daniel will be a 5th grader next year, so I'll spend four more mornings at the school then.  I'll be more nervous with him...he can be easily distracted at times. 

Michael and Daniel have been dealing with what I think are allergies this whole week.  Daniel not as bad as Michael.  Tera, JP and I have had the itchy noses and eyes that just come with living in East TN this year.  Although I was gone almost every morning, Daniel still managed to get his work done.  (He made 86 % and above on his math all week...WOOHOO!!!). 

Since Tera was testing and Michael and Daniel were under the weather- there were way too many videos at our house this week.  Hopefully this week will be better.

Monday marks our last week of school!  I'm looking forward to wrapping this year up, but a little anxious as summer approaches.  I have more planning to do for next year, since I committed to teaching a couple of classes in our local home school co-op in the fall.  I'm also doing some planning for Michael next year.  He really is ready for more in the line of pre-k.  I'm keeping it simple...just need to be planned out.  I feel really torn---getting ready for teaching preschool and middle school at the same time.

Wednesday, my mom and brother attended the parole hearing of the man who killed my brother 14 years ago.  He was denied parole---PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!  We were praying God's will be done and the peace to deal with whatever the outcome, but I'm so glad God gave us the answer we so hoped for.

JP has a job interview next week that could involve a promotion for him.  And again we are praying God's will be done.  We don't want to go anywhere or do anything that God doesn't want. 

Today, I went and took a bunch of curriculum to a Home School 101 informational meeting for prospective home schoolers to glance over.  I had a fun time talking to some fellow home schoolers- some I knew and some I was meeting for the first time.  It was a busy morning. 

Now, I'm here with enough sense left over to write this all down, but not enough to make it funny, witty or probably very interesting to most people.