
Saturday, April 28, 2012


It's been a week since I last posted and boy, has it been a week. 

I spent four whole mornings (8ish- 11:00-11:30ish) at the local elementary school for Tera to take the TCAPs.  Since we register as independent home schoolers, the kids are tested in the 5th and 7th grades.  They go into a regular classroom at a regular elementary school.  We have a fairly small local school with 240-250 students- really small class sizes.  Tera had a good time, met some cool kids and teachers.  No major issues for her or me.   She felt like she did the best on the science and social studies tests (she also took reading and math tests).  We should have the results back in a couple of weeks.  I'm anxious (in a good way) to see how she did.  This was our first experience with standardize testing.  Daniel will be a 5th grader next year, so I'll spend four more mornings at the school then.  I'll be more nervous with him...he can be easily distracted at times. 

Michael and Daniel have been dealing with what I think are allergies this whole week.  Daniel not as bad as Michael.  Tera, JP and I have had the itchy noses and eyes that just come with living in East TN this year.  Although I was gone almost every morning, Daniel still managed to get his work done.  (He made 86 % and above on his math all week...WOOHOO!!!). 

Since Tera was testing and Michael and Daniel were under the weather- there were way too many videos at our house this week.  Hopefully this week will be better.

Monday marks our last week of school!  I'm looking forward to wrapping this year up, but a little anxious as summer approaches.  I have more planning to do for next year, since I committed to teaching a couple of classes in our local home school co-op in the fall.  I'm also doing some planning for Michael next year.  He really is ready for more in the line of pre-k.  I'm keeping it simple...just need to be planned out.  I feel really torn---getting ready for teaching preschool and middle school at the same time.

Wednesday, my mom and brother attended the parole hearing of the man who killed my brother 14 years ago.  He was denied parole---PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!  We were praying God's will be done and the peace to deal with whatever the outcome, but I'm so glad God gave us the answer we so hoped for.

JP has a job interview next week that could involve a promotion for him.  And again we are praying God's will be done.  We don't want to go anywhere or do anything that God doesn't want. 

Today, I went and took a bunch of curriculum to a Home School 101 informational meeting for prospective home schoolers to glance over.  I had a fun time talking to some fellow home schoolers- some I knew and some I was meeting for the first time.  It was a busy morning. 

Now, I'm here with enough sense left over to write this all down, but not enough to make it funny, witty or probably very interesting to most people. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Oak Ridge Children's Museum

Fun at the Children's Musuem-
We went to the back and worked our way forward at the museum.  It was so nice and relaxing, it's been so long since we've been on an official fieldtrip.  Everyone had a great time! 



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Train ride


 Michael talked on every phone in every room of the musuem. 


All kinds of fun in the doll's house, U.S. customs booth, rainforest, coal room and the new 1930s schoolroom.

Space room

 They've grown, since we were in the bird room last.

On our way out!
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

You call this calm?

I wished for a calmer week and that hasn't happened. 

Tuesday, we had co-op.  That was fun...until I forgot Daniel's math book at the host's house and had to go almost home and then back and then home again. 


Finally, Michael's not the littlest boy...


Wednesday, JP had an appointment in Oak Ridge so I took advantage of the situation to use a Flutter (local Groupon) to go to the Children's Musuem for a couple of hours.  For the first hour or so, it was just me and the kids.  It was nice.  Michael is old enough to enjoy everything and Tera and Daniel are not old enough to dislike everything.  (I'll post pictures tomorrow.)

Thursday, another long drive to Knoxville for Daniel's eye doctor appointment.  He goes to a specialist that treats strabismus.  He's had two surgeries and is reaching the age of visual maturity, so we can stop going every 3 months for check-ups to check for visual focus and eye fusion (where both eyes look together instead of independent).  Even after waiting for almost an hour to see the doctor and hearing all kinds of weird news stories on CNN--  he did really well today---they said he fused better than he ever has.  WOOHOO! 

Grocery shopping tomorrow and then, maybe I can stay home a couple of days.  I like people and not staying home ALL the time...but I do not thrive on constant activity.  I'm pooped!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Crazy Monday

I must have been prophetic with my post earlier...this Monday has been crazy.

JP was feeling bad yesterday, so I was trying to keep the kids quiet while he slept.  Fighting a losing battle there.

We walked to the post office to mail some letters and postcards.  So we took Mazey with us...he decided to leave a present on the sidewalk for the postal workers.  Glad I had thought to put a plastic bag in my pocket.

I decided to let them play in the sandbox while I read their science and read aloud.  The lodge next door decided it was mowing day.  Luckily, they have a very small lawn.

My potty trained 3 year old, who almost never has an accident even in a pull-up, peed on himself twice within a 2 hour time.  Then, I put him down for a mandatory nap and he woke up cranky.  He's better now. 

JP had to juggle trashbags on the way out to work when the handle broke on one. 

Daniel was cleaning his room with explicit instructions not to be rude to Tera (she helps point out things he missed before I check, my pseudo-checker).  He was told he would lose cookies, movie and have an early bedtime.  He went straight up the stairs and called her a name.  I couldn't believe it!   I asked Tera if he was rude and she didn't want to say because the sweet thing didn't want him getting in trouble.   Then, when I followed through on the consequences---wailing and gnashing of teeth.  He's still whining/crying about it. 

Tera's been out of it all day, too.  Little things here and there. 

Can I have a do over on this day?

I know it sounds like I'm reacting to everyone around me...but I'm sure I've had issues, too.  Let's hope it's all just allergies making everyone (including me)  act crazy!

Good news- our crew that is putting up siding/gutters should be here to do that tomorrow and the rest of the week.  Or at least that is what they told JP we hope so.

Here's hoping and praying for a calm Tuesday!

Ordinary week

Sometimes you have a good week but it's just kinda ordinary.  Well, that was last week.  We were really busy with things that just didn't produce a whole lot of pictures or creativity on my part (blogging creativity).

We had haircuts, dentist appointments, piano lesson, another shot in my foot and some general running around.  Michael loved his first official dentist appointment.  He was jumping up and down singing:  "yay, yay, yay" before we left and whined all the way home about wanting to go back.

Saturday, we found out our chimney is non-functional again.  The liner we bought (over $1000) three years ago had been damaged supposedly through cleaning.  We've used the same company every time but this time had someone else come out (Groupon).  The new company found it and refused to clean the chimney.  The old company will come out on Friday to inspect what happened and hopefully own up to the damage and repair it.  Since we've used them exclusively...anyway...JP's department and here I'm putting my two cents in about it.

Friday and Saturday, I spent hobbling around recovering from my last shot.  After this, surgery is my only other option, but that is only when I can't bare the pain anymore.  That will be a long long time.  Surgery is not something I take lightly at all. 

Sunday, we took our church meeting to Fort Loudoun.  We sat under the shelter and had a picnic lunch.  We read from Luke 8:26-9:17.  JP had the most horrific allergy attack while we were there, so he just listened to us take turns reading.  He said it was so awesome to look out at the water and listen to the Word of God being read.  We had a worship time and then walked down to the fort.  I didn't realize it was a garrison weekend, although, we guessed when we started hearing cannon fire during our picnic.  We got down there at the taking down of the flag, but that's okay.  We loved being out there, no matter.  Michael fell asleep in the car and Tera came home with a headache.  They were all worn out and so was I (Michael needed 2 different trips to the bathroom- up and down the hill).

Our Monday will probably be crazy, but at least I'll have something out of the ordinary to write about next week. 

I found this link this morning, be sure to check this one out:

Nature Journaling for Little Ones  Great ideas for nature journaling.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


An impromptu attendance to a neighborhood church Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday afternoon.

We came home and our neighbors came over to play in our new sandbox and ended with a water fight using Michael's water table.

Dying eggs


We ended Saturday by watching this video--The Story of Jesus for Children.  We watch this every Easter- it weaves the Jesus film with a story of Jewish children seeking who Jesus is.  It goes through a sinner's prayer at the end.  It does show the crucifixion but in preview to decide if your kids can handle that. 

Our Easter garden with the empty tomb:

He is Risen!
He is Risen, Indeed!

Indoor Easter egg was too wet outside.  I don't think they minded at all. 

Pepper right where she likes to be on holidays---in the middle of all the chaos.


I have no clue what I'm laughing at...but since I rarely post pictures of ya go!

Beware if you come to our house...the Easter Bunny brought Daniel a whoopie cushion.
After eggs and baskets, we got ready for lunch and our church service.  It was a great time reading through the Easter story and singing songs of praise and worship about what Jesus did for us. 
That evening, we were invited to have dinner with our friends.  We heard the story of the Resurrection and had a wonderfully delicious meal complete with china and crystal.  Thankfully, none of my kids broke anything.  Even though, Daniel was quite confused at what cutlery and glasses where his.  Luckily, his sister was right beside him to guide him.  I see some etiquette lessons in our near future. 
We played outside after dinner and came home with 3 very tired children.  Yesterday, we got back into the groove pretty good but not so much today.  So, I'll end here with this:
He is Risen...not just on Resurrection Sunday, but everyday!