
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wood, seeds and rocking the boat

A neighbor and fellow homeschooler and a co-worker of JP's gave us some firewood.  Thanks to the kindness of these folks, we haven't had to purchase any wood all winter.  A guy working on our house offered to bring us more free wood.  We were just talking this morning about not seeking firewood on our own.  Just letting God work it out.   Isn't God just amazing like that?


It's been such a mild winter, my parsley never died.  I just trimmed it back a few weeks ago and now it looks beautiful again!


While Tera and Daniel have been working hard...Michael's been playing.

Well, he works a little too!  Helping start seeds and pull weeds!

This was a cute Lenten devotional idea.  We read the story in Matthew where Jesus calms the storm.  So we put Michael in and started rocking the boat.  Then, he says stop and the storm ceases.   Daniel had to have a turn, too.  But he was a little big to rock too much. 