
Friday, March 2, 2012

The long and short of it!

I always hate to say:  "I'm glad this week is over" because it sounds like I'm just rushing through life wanting all the unpleasantries to be over.  So I won't say that!  I'll say.... let me think...."I'm glad I made it through this week."  Was that better?  Nope....well, that's all I've got to say on the matter. 

I wish I could remember Monday, but it seems a distant memory.   Tuesday we went to the park for co-op.  It was so nice and relaxing!  We've had tons of outside time this's been beautiful!  Except for the storms passing through this afternoon and tonight!


Wednesday was library day.  Thursday was a podiatry appointment for me that ended with a cortisone shot in my foot and limping around until bedtime.  Friday- dentist for me and a little essential grocery shopping.  Needless to say, my grand science plans fell to the side this week.  Next week is a unit week for us and I've only just begun to plan.  My motivation is very strained right now.  I feel like taking spring break a week early and starting our unit the week after.  We will see.  Next week's calendar is eerily empty, which is a fresh breath compared to this past week and a half.  JP and I both seem on edge, so maybe a less busy week will be just what we need. 

There were tons of bright spots in my week...birds!  We hung out bird feeders and have regular customers (downy woodpecker, cardinal, black capped chickadee, and tufted titmouse).  I finally got a new camera and I'm loving it- as you can see from my up close bird and flower pics!  A fellow homeschooler offered to give me a copy of one of my curriculum choices for next year, too!  The guys have been working on the house after an unexplained break.   Pitas that sorta puffed up!  Getting all my bread recipes organized in a notebook by category.  I completed my 30 days of bread without missing one day.  Tera and I are doing our Mother/Daughter devotions everyday without fail.  My kids are healthy and haven't gotten sick even though exposed to sickness. 



The kids have been getting into watching the birds out the kitchen window!


My own little Barney (Fife).  That's who he says he is when he wears his tie. 


Tomorrow the vet comes, firewood hopefully will be delivered, tilling will have to wait and maybe I'll have the time to go get the new footwear my podiatrist says I'm in desperate need of.  I'm somewhat anxious about storms this evening, but I know God is watching over us. So since I can't change anything by worrying, I'll put my trust in HIM!

Well, that's the long and short of it!