
Monday, February 20, 2012

Michael's 3!

I can't believe it's been 3 years, since we brought this little miracle home with us.  He IS truly a miracle from God.  You see, I was in the emergency room right about 12 weeks with a hemorrhage.  I came home with that handout that has THREATENED ABORTION aka miscarriage across the top.  I was familiar with this particular sheet; less than 6 months earlier I had received it during another emergency room visit that did not end quite so miraculously.  I prayed God would spare this little soul...that the 50/50 chance would become a 100 % God-given miracle.  As you can see, God answered my prayer and I can't ever imagine life without this little booger!

The littlest brother loved so much by his siblings...
Boundless energy....

One cool little dude...

The youngest in the line of cousins...

Our little punkin'!

Happy Birthday, Michael