
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Easter Garden

We found this nice woven organizer at Lowe's (you could just use a basket or empty plastic container), lined it with plastic.  Put rocks and stryofoam pieces in the bottom for drainage.

Positioned our plants and filled in with dirt.

Then added our empty 4 in. terra cotta pot to symbolize the tomb. The lid has the saying "The Garden of Gethsemane -'The Lord is near to all who call upon Him.' Psalm 145:18"  On the back- Matthew 27:59-60- the Scripture about Jesus being put in the tomb.  You turn the lid around on Good Friday.  Easter Sunday, set the lid to the side to show the empty tomb.  Replace "The Garden" with "He is not Here! He is Risen!"

We added a rock lined sandy path with stepping stones and some moss.  I added a natural wooden cross I found on a hike once. 

Now, our Easter garden sits on the school table to direct our thoughts to prayer and reflection as we journey through this season of Lent!

For more information on Easter gardens, check out the links in my Lent post earlier in the week!