
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Life in general

I'm tired of using the titles:  "This and That",  "Random",  "Stuff" today you get "Life in general".  I promised my mom I would post, because she wants to see some pictures.  I have been having a really rough time these last few weeks.  I can truly say, I feel a lot better this week.  I'm truly thankful for all those who commented and shared as well.  It's nice to know you aren't the only one dealing with something. 

We have been busy all week finishing our science fair projects.  They are not due until next week,  but I'm trying to get the kids in a habit of finishing projects hopefully when they go to college, it will be a habit.  I know, good luck with that, right?! 

Here are some random pics of our last few weeks:
Here you go, Mom!  I love you!

My little Robin Hood--Tera put together this costume for him. 

Face paint by Tera

Ways to get exercise when it's rainy or too muddy outside. 

Games with friends!

Michael getting in his "instrment prabis" (that's how it sounds when he says it)
Yes, he has been walking around in pajamas a lot lately.  He doesn't complain, and neither do I. 

Reading time with Michael

I've been getting the kids out for short walks this last week...paying the water bill, going to a Civil War marker and walking around the cemetery nearby.  (I love walking around old cemeteries...I'm thinking about doing a math lesson there soon.  Sounds fun)

Our week has revolved around this:


 Some friends are watching our kids for a few hours today...while we get a much needed date day.  I'm very excited and hope this thunder and lightning will stop soon so I can get a shower.  Don't worry Mom, I remember all you taught me about how to avoid getting electrocuted.  :)