
Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Thursday, it's Thursday...

WooHoo it's wait, it's still Thursday.  It feels like Friday because it's been a long day around here.  Not a bad long day- just a rainy, overtime working, full of activity day.  We have  had a pretty good week.  Academically, I pulled back a little for the kids since they worked overtime last week on science fair projects (which is this Saturday).  Tera has her state of Tennessee mandated writing assessment next Wednesday, so we've contacted the testing coordinator and are all set to go.  We took her suggestion of doing a mock run through yesterday.  Then I showed her the sample papers online (also a recommendation from the coordinator- who was extremely nice and even gave me her cell with the permission to call anytime with questions).  It was awesome to see Tera confident about how she will do next week. 

We started Spelling Power this week- we all really like this program and I'm so glad I finally bought it.  It's just what we needed.  Sometimes I think my kids mess with me.  A couple of weeks ago, it seemed like they weren't spelling anything-then we did the placement test and they test above where I thought they would/should be.  We did prescriptive tests, too and we indeed have some holes in learning.  So, once we learn the system, I'll assign specific lists they need to work on. 

The Lord blesses me so much and so many ways.  Like when He doesn't let both of my kids struggle with their math at the same time.  Daniel is on an even keel and working pretty consistent right now.  Now, Tera is having some problems.  Part of it stems from the fact that she wasn't reading the lesson material in her Saxon book and doing the practice.  I'm going back through some trouble lessons with her and making sure she understands each concept before we move forward anymore.  I'm so glad I have the undivided time she needs. 

Tuesday, we had co-op and learned all about Madagascar, but I'll post about that tomorrow. 

Michael is begging to do HIS school.  Thankfully, I had things given to me, found things at yard sales/thrift stores or just put together with things laying around here that will keep him occupied for a little while. 

Today we played lots of games (when I say "we", I mean "me and them") and had tons of craziness.