
Tuesday, January 10, 2012


One of my "reminders" this year is to create.  I choose this because I like creating things- weaving, paper crafts, simple crafts.  As I was thinking about the word create- my mind went to ways I already create things that are not necessarily in the "craft" category.  I don't want to give up trying to get around to weaving and other things, but I also want to recognize the other creating I do. 
Like when we redo the bathroom...

 or a beach shadow box display made from the shells
we collected on our trip last fall...

or learning to play my mandolin
with the new books JP bought me for Christmas...
(I'm really serious because I have to concentrate really hard when it comes to playing instruments--
singing comes naturally, instruments not so much)

or when I bake bread and make soup...

Hopefully, I'll be reminded most of the work that God wants to do in my life this day and everyday.  
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10