
Thursday, December 29, 2011


I've been enjoying living life this week without the pressures of blogging about life.  I didn't upload any of my pictures from Christmas Eve to present until today.  We had a very good Christmas---very relaxing.  I did most of my running around really early this year, so I didn't have any last minute craziness. 

The best thing I like about Christmas are all our traditions.  Christmas Eve, we put out our reindeer food (oatmeal and glitter).  This was Michael's first year to really get into this.  It was funny to watch him pinch the oatmeal and shake his little hand like he was sowing seeds. 


 Usually we have cinnamon rolls on Christmas day, then have a brunch instead of lunch.  This seemed like overkill, so we moved our cinnamon roll breakfast to Christmas Eve.  It worked great!  Definitely a new tradition.    I found a clone of Cinnabon icing.  Oh my, how delicious. 

After the kids go to bed, Santa and his helper work hard to make everything just right.  Candy canes magically appear on the tree, mailboxes are filled, stockings, presents and Santa gifts are all arranged in their special places. 

The first peek...Christmas morning.

The first peek is all they get, because we have more important things to do.
Tera places Baby Jesus in the manger.

Daniel lights our Advent candles and most importantly the Christ candle!

Michael hangs our Christ symbol ornament on the Jesse Tree

Then we read the Christmas story from Luke 2.

That's how our Christmas morning begins, I love our Advent traditions that all culiminate on Christmas morning.