
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Review: Wait No More

Wait No More: One Family's Amazing Adoption Journey  -     
        By: John Rosati, Kelly Rosati

When I was asked to review this book, I had a bit of hesitation.  To this point in my life, I haven't felt called by God to adopt children.  So I  approached reading this book, expecting to feel guilty about that.  Instead, the author brought me into her story and I felt reassured by her that this calling is not for everyone.  Kelly says:  "...although not everyone is called to adopt, everyone is called to do something on behalf of orphans."  I agree wholeheartedly!

I was brought to tears several times during this book.  The author never tries to paint a rose colored view of adoption through the foster care system.  She is honest and truthful about her family's struggles during this process.  It's not pretty at times, but the end product of obeying God has a beautiful result.  Children rescued and brought into a loving family.

I love the way this book continually points out being open to God and to be willing to walk through whatever doors He puts in front of us.   This has been something we've strived to do as a family.  Kelly brings up forgiveness time and time again throughout the book.  I had never really thought of this in relation to adoptive parents--forgiveness of the birth parent and all the issues created by their bad choices. 

The beginning of Wait No More is written in a style I really enjoy.  The authors flash back and forth as they weave together their past histories with beginning the process of adoption.  I absolutely loved this way of story telling. 

This book so exceeded my expectations.  I found it hard to put down.  Although I don't feel called to adopt at this season in my life, this book reminded me that we, as Christians are to support those who do.  Whether it be through respite, monetary gifts, dinner or whatever.  We have to open to anything God calls us to do and not wait no more!

Disclosure:  I was sent this book for free by Focus on the Family for purpose of review.  All opinions are my own.