
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Review: Buck Denver asks....Why Do We Call It Christmas?

We were asked to review "Buck Denver asks...Why Do We Call It Christmas?"  Since we were already lovers of Jelly Telly, my kids could not wait to receive the DVD in the mail.    They were not disappointed.  Within the first two minutes of this video, my kids were laughing...and learning.  We've watched it several times already and it still educates and entertains. 

"You've heard the Christmas story but have you ever heard the story of Christmas?" 
-Phil Vischer

What is Hanukkah?
Why do they call it Christmas?
What year was Jesus born?
What does Santa Claus have to do with Jesus' birthday?

These are just some of the questions this great educational DVD presents in such a fun, exciting way. It addresses how confusing our present way of celebrating Christmas can be for those who are striving to keep the "Christ" in Christmas.   I'll tell you what I really loved about this video.  Every answer or concept was presented in at least two different ways.  This was cool to my teacher heart.  First, there is an explanation.  Not an explanation that assumes kids can't remember anything of substance, but names, dates and church history.  Then, the characters sing a song that repeats and reinforces the main idea.  Sometimes they even use visual reference points like thought and speech bubbles and the famous flannelgraph. 

This DVD explains why and how all these "traditions" point to Jesus as what Christmas is all about.  When my husband was a pastor, he actually presented the meanings of all the symbols of Christmas every year.  But through this video, I learned several new things I had never heard before. 

I cannot say enough, how much we loved this DVD.   It's not only just plain fun, but educational as well...what more can you ask!  You won't be disappointed if you buy this video. 

Disclosure:  I was sent this video for free to review for Focus on the Family.  All the opinions are my own.