
Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas- Kid's Presents

Our kids make or pick out presents for everyone, so we always open those first.  Usually small things like a paintset or something they have made.  I love the joy on their face as the other person is opening their gift.  Their sacrifice of love.  It's so cool!

The first present we opened was to Michael from Daniel, because both of them couldn't wait any longer. 


Tera used our Badge Factory and Lego Club magazines to make Star Wars badges for Daniel's back pack and she sewed a drawstring bag to keep them in.  Daniel knitted Tera a hat but then forget to close the end.  But it's the thought that counts!

If you've ever been in my kitchen, you might have noticed two wax paper, crayon filled, handprints hanging from fishing line.  JP made these with Tera and Daniel's pictures in them, when they were probably 4 and 2.  They are faded, wrinkled and almost bleached.  I have been hinting--no flat out asking for a new set with all 3 kids' handprints since Michael was born.  My beautiful, wonderful daughter fulfilled my wish and made them for me this year.  They are so beautifully awesome. She used primary colors so they would be really bright and spent at least a week making crayon shavings.  (I know you are not supposed to have a favorite present, so don't tell anyone I said this....but this is my most favorite thing I  received this year.  It's my three little can't get any better than that.)


Tera and Daniel both got JP coffee related items.  I had a free credit for a photo mug, so Tera designed a mug with their picture on it.  Daniel got a new pod holder for his coffee pods.   I love my husband so much, but...he is so hard to photograph.  He always makes a really goofy face right before I take the picture...I wonder where Daniel gets it. 


Tera passed down a lap chalkboard/dry erase easel to Michael. 


One of my favorites--a popcorn tin from Daniel and Michael
