
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Advent Calendar and Contest


If you haven't decided upon your Advent calendar activities this year, be sure to check out Focus on the Family's new resource:  Advent Calendar 

You can access this resource on the web, from your Ipad, facebook and there is even a printable version.  Even if you have lots of traditions, this Advent calendar is easy to use and has some great ideas.  We used Sunday's activity for our church service.  We adapted the original idea just a little by finding the materials through a scavenger hunt around the house and outside.  It was so much fun putting together our collage.  My husband and I had as much, if not more fun than the kids.  God, our Creator looked at all He made and declared that "It was good!"   Here's our finished product:


Focus on the Family is also having an Advent Contest that you can enter everyday, as you work your way through the Advent activities.  Click here for today's entry form!

This is an awesome resource and we can't wait to use this to help us refocus our attention to the reason for our celebration.  The Greatest Gift ever given:  JESUS!