
Friday, October 21, 2011

A little bit of this...and a little bit of that

I changed our unit week plan just a bit this week.  We did a hodge podge of activities.  Everyday the kids read, did Life of Fred or Hands on Equations, experimented with a Mind Blowing Science kit, played games, started the Write your own novel project, watched educational videos, and did tons of art projects.  They had a great week and it was just the kind of week we needed, since almost everyone was sick. 
I found a great new blog with several art projects I wanted to try- A Faithful Attempt

We did these Oil Pastel Resists- the top two, in order show what happens with too little chalk and too much chalk.  The bottom one Tera did again and it turned out with a somewhat better contrast.  Daniel's is the really dark one- he said he liked it because he felt it was a night time picture.  :)

Black Cat Collage
I absolutely love the way these turned out.



Daniel and Tera's ad for their favorite book-one of the first exercises in the National Novel Writing Month project.  These were in sketchbooks I found at Ollie's.  A friend and I were complaining about not being able to find notebooks with college rule at the bottom and a blank space at the top.  I found these for 99 cents.  I will definitely go back and stock up. 


They worked all week on a Chemistry Science kit called Mind Blowing Science, their grandma got them last year for Christmas.  They learned about acids/bases, made jiggly crystals and all kinds of fun stuff.  The best part....they did it all by themselves. 


We learned how to wrap enter in the fair next year.  Tera made a greeting card as well, but Daniel is still working out his idea.


We finished this project on favorite of the week.  This is an 8th grade project, so I was a little nervous about how they would turn out.  They were fabulous!


This is what happens when Mommy is sick and siblings are entertaining the little one. 


Although, I was sick this week, we got a lot accomplished.  Most of it, I just facilitated.  A perk of having older students.  Life and school can still carry on, if Mommy is sick.  I'm starting to feel better, although I did end up taking a nap most of this week.