
Wednesday, October 5, 2011


This little boy is growing up so fast.  He is no longer content just doing his own thing.  He wants to be in on all the action.  Alongside his brother and sister or at least doing something similar.  It looks like I need to get the pre-school wheels turning really soon.


We set aside money for furniture and a bunkbed for Daniel's room.  The problem was- it wasn't very much money for the quality of furniture we wanted.  We decided to just wait. 

I had decided long ago I wanted a wooden bunk bed and was holding out to find one used because they were too expensive new.  Then, recently my husband and I decided our second hand (in this case, not so nice to sit on) futon really needed replaced.  We just didn't have a nice place for people to sit, talk and feel comfortable, especially older people.  I wanted to add some color so I started looking a color palettes that would go with our curtains and other things we'd be keeping.  So I decided on robin egg blue, brown as a neutral and sage green.   I found a new rug on sell a couple of weeks ago at Lowe's for $35. 

I love it how the Lord works things out. A fellow homeschooler was moving because her family will be working in a ministry in Alaska. So they had to sell most of their things.

Guess what they were selling?  A wooden bunk bed, a beige sofa and blue love seat!  Exactly what we were hoping and praying for -at a price we could afford- from people we were familiar with and a quality we didn't think we'd ever have.  It's so nice to sit on comfortable furniture, but I love it that our friends feel so comfortable, too!

 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17