
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Birthday Tradition

Last year, we started a new birthday tradition with the kids.  They had to come up with a "goal list" (for lack of a better term) for the year.  The number of goals matched how old they were/are. On Tera's birthday, we looked at last year's lists to see how they did.   Some of the goals they met and some they decided to continue to this year. 

Here are this year's lists:

  1. Enter Lego creation in fair
  2. Earn bow and arrow
  3. Read all Redwall series books
  4. Go to waterpark
  5. Make a 300-500 piece 3-D origami
  6. Learn how to use tools
  7. Teach Michael to count to 20
  8. Cook dinner for family
  9. Go to the beach

  1. Write a letter in French
  2. Go to a concert
  3. Read all Redwall series books
  4. Try 5 new foods
  5. Go to the ocean
  6. Sew and crochet a project
  7. Do an advanced cooking recipe
  8. Teach Michael his letters
  9. Do a research report
  10. Go to the waterpark
  11. Take cookies to our Fire Department