My week started early. I had an 8:15 appt. for my annual OB-GYN physical. I was diagnosed through an out patient surgery last month with Interstitial Cystitis. (don't really click there if you don't like descriptions of medical conditions). At the conclusion of my appt., my doctor said she suspected that I may have endometriosis as well. Whoopee! I came home to do research and found that these two conditions are called "the Evil Twins". I would agree with that title. I came home quite depressed. Medications and radical change of diet seem to be in my near future. I decided to take a natural supplement on my own with my doctor's approval called Quercetin, which is supposed to help patients with IC. I've already started to change my diet. This week I've been eating very simply. I'm avoiding dairy, meat, processed foods, tomatoes, onions and citrus in addition to already having given up caffeine, carbonated drinks and chocolate. I will be eating mostly an almost vegan diet except for an occasional egg and butter. I'm definitely not a big meat eater, but this is definitely a big step for me. Especially since I'll be eating my own thing and cooking something quite different for my family. I'm sure I'll be very inconsistent while I'm trying to figure out all the ins and outs of these diet plans.

My brother and family stopped in to see us on the way to the mountains. What a wonderful surprise!
On Wednesday, some friends came over for more art. Thursday, I left early to take Tera to piano, so we could stop and get groceries to feed the above people lunch. Piano, then a couple more errands, then home. John and Christy stopped back by on their way home. Thursday night, I helped a friend package these: (strike that, Wednesday night we packaged--see, this week did get the better of me)

Now it's Friday....we've had school, the chimney cleaned, house picked up, babysitting activities planned out for tomorrow, everyone has eaten and are now watching a movie. I'm hoping Michael doesn't have another disobedient outburst that I've been dealing with the entire week from overstimulation and no naps.
I'm sitting here half comatose thinking about another busy week coming up...and hoping I get the better of it next time.