
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Renaissance Unit Activities

We've been studying the Renaissance and reading a lot.  I checked out a book from the library called Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb.  We read through several of these this week, my kids loved these versions.  It basically gives a plot summary of the plays in a very understandable way.  We read other books about Shakespeare as well.  A friend let us borrow a book called Mathematicians are People, Too.  I assigned the Galileo chapter but found Daniel reading some of the other chapters as well. 

Here are some of the activities we did:

Stained Glass Windows- This was a pretty time extensive activity.  I felt really bad for Daniel because he had laid out this intricate design and then while ironing, it smeared everywhere.  He did not get upset (which is very awesome)  and I still think it turned out nice. 

Acting out Romeo and Juliet- This one they actually came up with on their own.  I happened upon these scenes right after my shower one morning.  Daniel makes a very funny Juliet. 

Bookmarks- We learned all about Johannes Gutenburg then tried making our own version of movable type bookmarks.


Renaissance Dance- We found some Youtube videos on Renaissance dance.  Tera and Daniel could not help but try it out.  Here Daniel is trying to spin Tera...not really working. 

Our Sistene Chapel experience- The kids realized just how hard Michelangelo had it painting that ceiling. 

This is an awesome site: