
Friday, July 29, 2011

Reflections on the week...


  • I was scared I had planned way too much for our school day...but as it worked out everything went perfectly into my time frame.
  • Daniel went the entire week and did not shed one tear over math...this is by far the most encouraging thing that happened.  That doesn't sound like much, but it is HUGE!   He really has matured over the summer and I'm seeing the evidence clearly. 
  • Tera stayed focused with a good attitude.
  • Michael jumped right in with us for some of our subjects, especially Science.  We played animal charades one day.  He had to have his turn and then continued to have his turn the next day when he saw us pull out our Science again.
  • When we pulled out Language today and Daniel asked:  "Are we going to write?"  I replied in the affirmative, only to hear, instead of complaint and grumbling--a loud "YES!"  How awesome is that!
  • Realizing that training the kids in taking care of the household is finally paying off.  When I felt overwelmed juggling everything, it was really cool to give the kids extra jobs which they could successfully manage.  I learned that Tera is almost to the point that she could "run" (with some supervision) the house if the need ever arose.  Very exciting for her and especially for me.
  • I enjoy having my Science laid out for me this semester.  This is  one of the only times, I've bought a Science curriculum instead of doing unit studies and pulling from tons of different sources.  I like the lighter burden in this area.
  • My husband bought a red pocketed organizer that hangs on the wall for me as a Christmas gift.  I finally hung it up and it is helping me stay organized.  It is really cool!
  • I'm so glad we did a little math everyday this summer, it's made the transition a whole lot easier. 
  • I realized today that running errands in the middle of the school day does not work for my son.  He had two distracted days this week.  Wednesday, when he overslept and today.  We had to go out and he took a whole lot longer to get done than Tera.  She is a work on the go kinda girl...he likes his routine.  So unless absolutely necessary, we won't be doing that again.  There will be sometimes we just have to deal with it but hopefully not too often.
  • It is stinking hot!

Since the positives overwhelmingly outweigh the not-so-positives, I will deem the week a great success!