
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

little treats...

We don't go out to sit down restaurants very often, mainly because of the expense, so when we do it's a real treat. Last week we treated ourselves to Mexican cuisine. Michael was downing salsa like it was ketchup, which struck me as very funny. All of our kids would eat mildly spicy salsa as toddlers, so I guess he was just following in his sister and brother's footsteps.

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I made JP take a picture of Daniel's plate...he almost licked it clean. He is usually my lightest eater. He was raving how much he loved the beans and rice and finished before anyone else.


Michael perched on a throne.


If you look really hard you can see my little hummingbird....She has always flown away when the tree is approached. Lately though, when I've been walking the dog, she has stayed. So I'm wondering if she is sitting on some eggs or little babies. One day her side was wiggling a whole lot like something was under there.