
Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer Schedule

We started our summer vacation  with a new daily schedule. We don't exactly adhere to the schedule everyday, but the block schedule lends itself to be moved around as needed. So it all works out.

This is our Summer Schedule:
Daily Schedule
Before 8 Morning jobs and Breakfast
8:00-9:00 Reading/ Spelling Bee practice (10 words) and Preposition flashcards
9-9:30 Typing Practice and Math Practice
9:30-10:30 Play outside
10:30- 11:30 Game
11:30 Lunch
12:30-2 Quiet Play/ Free Time/Instrument Practice
2-4 Craft Time/ Play dates
4:00 Supper/ Clean Up/Extra Jobs
After Supper Devotions, Special Activities

Weekly After Supper Activities
Monday- Short Video/Computer Time
Tuesday- Game Night
Wednesday-Short Video/Computer Time
Thursday- Special Theme Night or Special Activity
Friday- Movie Night

Now, I know some days will not end up on schedule for various reasons, but that is not really a big deal to me. This is just to give my kids some structure, so they are not stuck to a screen all summer or asking to be stuck to a screen.

Here's what they are really excited about...we are doing our ticket program again this summer. That's where they do activities throughout the day and earn tickets. The tickets can then be redeemed for various activities or treats. They really enjoyed this last summer but we revised our list this year.


1 Ticket items:
Learn 1 Scripture Verse from list
Read book over 50 pages
Daily Chores without Complaint
Instrument Practice- 15 minutes
Extra Chores
Math Practice
Play Game without fighting

Spelling Practice
20 minutes of exercise

2 Ticket Items:
Writing a letter or email
Nature Blog entry with Picture and description

Read 1 chapter of your Bible
Tickets are basically recycled paper cut into small squares. Then as they earn a ticket, they write the activity and I initial it. It then goes into their bucket or any container you can find.


25 Ticket Items:
30 extra min. lights out
$1 from Dollar Tree
Trip to Park
Paint toe nails

50 Ticket Items:
Check out a movie from the library
Cook a dessert with Mom
Candy Treat from Store
Extra Movie Night

100 Ticket Items:
Ice Cream Treat
Trip to Zoo
Girls or Boys day-out

Here's what an extra job looks like in our house.
Extra Jobs:

Wipe Down Chairs
Upstairs Windows
Downstairs Windows
Wipe Down Baseboards- Living Room
Wipe Down Baseboards- Dining Room
Wipe Down Baseboards- Any Room
Go through one desk drawer or one toy bin
Straighten Game Shelf
50 thing Pick up
Straighten book shelf
Clean under bed
Clean closet
Put away videos
Dust upstairs- picture shelf, bookcases, game shelf, back of futon
Dust downstairs living room- TV, hope chest, book cases, futon, bench,
Wipe down window sills