
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Last Day of School

We finished up our last day of school on Friday studying about Native Americans. The fun stuff focused around all the games and toys Native children played. They made miniature toys/dolls out of found things. Odd/Evens- They took straw bundles and tried to guess how many reeds they pulled out. Basket weaving, yo-yo's, spinning tops, mini-dolls, homemade instruments, blow the feather (see how long you can keep your feather in the air) and many others.

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Foot races were popular.

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Hoop and Darts- trying to hit a hoop hanging from a tree or propped against a rock with handmade darts. Tera decorated all her darts.

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Ice Cream Sundaes---what's the last day of school without ice cream?

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