
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Down at the Dump...I mean, Landfill

We took a fieldtrip to the landfill this last week. The first thing we learned was that this was not a dump, but a landfill. Dumps are illegal in Tennessee. A landfill is a more eco-friendly way of disposing of trash. They dig holes in the ground that are then lined with plastic to prevent leakage into the soil. The mounds of garbage are piled about 15 feet deep, then covered with a layer of earth before they repeat the process. Then, when a certain area is full they cap it off by covering it with a layer of earth. They install pipes to release the methane build up. This landfill is preparing to use the methane as a renewable energy. The landfill is the highest point in our county other than the mountains. Also, the certain cell that is being filled has lasted longer than they thought because people are reducing, reusing and recycling.

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Recycling bins, the incinerator used for wood debris, and plastic being laid down for a new cell at the landfill to prevent leechate (sp?) from leaking into the soil.


Crazy fun in the car!

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Turkey Vultures and a landfill cell being filled in.

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A hands-on demonstration of the different pollutants and their effect on wildlife. Poor Fred the sponge.

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All kinds of relays and hands-on activities (litter pick up, compost discovery, and recycle relay)

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Again, we had a great tour guide who made the day very fun and educational, too!