
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Beavers and Basket Weaving

We went on a fieldtrip this morning with some new friends to Pistol Creek Wetlands center. Much to our surprise, we saw new evidence of the beavers that supposedly reside there. To the right of the boardwalk at the bridge was very stagnant and the kids could see a dam underneath the bridge. Some parts of that area were bone dry where we caught glimpse of all kinds of tracks. Tracks that looked really similar to the feet on that beaver sign. Very cool!


After lunch, we finished up with basket weaving. I found a couple of small projects online--one with foam and the other made from paper strips. They both utilize raffia as the weaving material. Then Tera started experimenting on her own. We also read a book on the Trail of Tears, such a sad part of our nation's history.

Directions here (printable template) and here
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Photobucket Photobucket

Everyday will be different this week, so we are taking it all in stride and going with the flow.