
Friday, September 7, 2012

Field Trip Friday: Water Treatment Tour

Here's another blast from the past for Field Trip Friday!
We took a tour of our local Water Treatment Plant this week. I have to say, our tour guide was awesome and we got to see some pretty amazing things. My descriptions will probably be brief because I can't remember as much as I would like.

This is a filtration system model they use.


These are filtering tubes that help filter the water. She passed around some individual ones for us to feel and then we saw one in the process of being cleaned and repaired.


All our kids were so attentive throughout this tour...I was so proud!

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Those glowing ones---that means there is E.coli present. This was a sample taken from the Little River.

Photobucket I think, this was the strainer that helps get any big stuff out of the water before it heads to those little tubes.


Various pictures of pumps, chemical containers, water reserves, etc.

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Sometimes I feel like I need a sign like this at my house!

We have about 2 1/2 weeks of school left so I'm looking for things to energize our learning time. Our guide gave us these great books about The Story of Drinking Water. I have to admit usually those just get thrown aside or only looked at in the car. This time I went through the booklet with the kids and then pulled out some posters on this subject, I got from the U.S. Geological Dept. about 10 years ago. We all learned alot and it helped to re-emphasize everything we had just seen.

For more pictures,  It's A Boy's Life and The Forest Room 
Check out more field trips by hopping on over to Field Trip Friday at It's A Boy's Life