Science and Japan
Note: Please forgive the fuzzy flash wasn't on the right setting and I was holding a cute, adorable little baby while most of these photos were being taken.
We got together with some friends on Tuesday for a science lesson on the center of gravity. The kids did some balancing experiments (arms out, arms crossed, holding a book straight out with one hand, holding the book in front of your lower body, etc.). Then they discussed which was easier and why.

We worked on Balancing Clowns...trying to get a cut out of a clown to balance on our finger. Then experimenting by adding paper clips to different parts of the body until it came to a balance. 
I taught a lesson on Japan. We talked about where it was located and various facts about it's culture and landform. The kids made Japanese flags, origami puppies and wrote haikus. We ended with a game called Jan-Kem-Po, which is a version of rock, paper scissors. I was very impressed with their writing. I was anticipating this would be the hardest part of the lesson, but the kids were great. Writing poetry within a formula, like the haiku, takes so much pressure off. They worked in groups to create their poems, so it's an exercise in cooperation as well.