St. Patrick's Day in Mesoamerica
We had a continuation of our Mesoamerican cultures today with straw pan pipes...I wanted to make a pvc version but haven't gotten the materials yet. That may be on our plan for Spring Break next week.

The kids made codices and did Mayan math as well as tons of reading. They are all three down with a cold now, so we've been taking it somewhat easy around here. I put them all down for a much needed nap--no reading, no sitting up, no toys, no CDs. Tera hates this the most, because she has always been our one to fight sleep with everything in her being. She has to be forced to rest when she is sick. Since we have a pretty busy weekend, we decided to force rest now instead of missing out later.

I made Split Pea Soup with Ham and Irish Soda Bread for lunch today in honor of St. Patrick's Day. I'm tired so I'm not going to type out the recipes, but if you want them leave me a comment with your email address.
I also made this Hot Fudge's good but never turns out like it's supposed to, I'm not going to pass that recipe on to anyone.

Daniel really likes the cake, he was just trying to make a weird face for the picture.
See, it was so good, two little boys were begging for more!