
Friday, March 25, 2011


I've been reading these books:

Weaving Made Easy

Weaving Without a Loom

The Story of Science: Newton at the Center

Miss Read's Fairacre Series and Thrush Green Series

I didn't read all these in one week, but have been reading since our last library trip. I've made a goal this year to read 2 new series and that has already been completed. So, I changed my goal to include reading something academic each time we go to the library. Just to help stretch my own brain a little. The Story of Science did that ...all 433 pages of it.

I've also been weaving:

Photobucket Photobucket

I bought some weaving sticks from Hobby Lobby, I'm now in love with weaving. I'm almost finished with my first scarf. I can't wait to start the Native Finger Weaving.