
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ancient Rome Summary

It's been one of those weeks where I have just felt off and out of whack. It's usually not good when that happens on our unit weeks since I'm more stressed out anyway. Not a good combination. We made it through the week finishing up Rome Friday. I'm not going to do a day by day outline just hit the highlights of the week.
We learned about the Roman Alphabet...


Made Roman soldier paper dolls...

Roman Shields and Spears-(we used painted wrapping paper tubes for the spears)...

Catapults .... (this was Daddy's job)

Roman Arches...

We finished Friday with our Roman Feast. We ate like "poor Romans" with bread dipped in olive oil and honey, fish, cheese, veggies, fruit and grape juice. Tera especially liked the reclining eating style of the Romans. We ate everything with our fingers just like Romans. When in Rome...

Tera and Daniel even had time to start a teepee outside. Hopefully since it's warming up this week, they will have time to complete their little project.

As always I use Lesson Pathways, when it comes to Science and History...check them out here!