
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ancient Rome Days 1 and 2

We've been working through the Ancient Civilizations this year. We've studied Egypt, China, Greece and now Rome. We will spend 2 weeks on Rome since there is a great deal more information to cover.
I'm finding more and more Michael is wanting to be apart of our school activities. So it's a cute picture to see all three of them sitting around the table working together. Yes, my daughter is wearing shorts but when it's 60 degrees in January, she thinks it's springtime.

We read a great deal of information found at Lesson Pathways, Exploring Ancient Rome. I won't list those out but you can check out their site for those.
We did a collage of things the Romans invented.


We filled in a timeline found here. This is a great site that has information on other Ancient Civilizations as well as printables.

Ancient Rome Scavenger Hunt
We hunted for things you would not have found in Rome. 

Design a Roman Coin

We are reading The Bronze Bow, How'd They Do That? Ancient Rome and The Magic Tree House Ancient Rome Companion Guide

Day 2:
We usually get together with a group of friends on most Tuesdays, but illness kept us all from meeting. So we met with one other family in our group for some activities on Roman Numerals.
I found two books at the library Fun With Roman Numerals and Roman Numerals I to MM (which was my favorite). We played several file folder type games I found. Then a Snakes and Ladders online game with Roman Numerals. I found this funny video (third one down the page).

We wrote with toothpicks.

Our birthdate collages (they are kinda hard to read, but they did get the Roman numerals correct so that's all that matters)

We finished up with reading from our books and Math Boot Camp.