
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This and That

Michael checking out the weekly sales.

Hands-on Spelling

We started Math Boot Camp for Daniel and Spelling/States and Capital Boot Camp for Tera this week. We needed to take a break from Saxon for Daniel to cement all his math facts in his head. So he has a list of tasks to do everyday that include different sets of flashcards, 2 worksheets, and multiple computer games. Tera has a list of interactive hands on spelling activities and things to reinforce her States and Capitals. (She just wanted to have her own boot camp because Daniel was getting one). The kids always enjoy when I change things makes it new and exciting, even if it is basically the same work. Daniel is already showing faster times on remembering his facts just in the first day. I'm recording his progress so we can see how much improvement, he is actually making. I recycled clementine fruit crates to hold their various work for the week.